“I get quirky kids, because I was a quirky kid.”

Meet Marisa

I never quite understood why I didn’t feel like I could access balance. It constantly frustrated me. I felt hidden

behind quirks that made up a personality that didn’t reflect who I was or could be and I wanted better for

myself. I grabbed a hold of emerging science and took a holistic -whole body- approach to untangle my

hardest quirks and diagnoses.  Years later the science that I took a chance on has now become newer

mainstream advances in medicine. By newer I mean you now have a greater chance of finding a practitioner

who will treat you with these, but you will really need to look hard to find them.

I believe early intervention can change the trajectory of a child’s life - sometimes creating the difference

between “I can’t” and “I can.” This type of intervention can vary from parenting techniques to therapeutic help, to

better food, supplements, or medicines. The learning curve keeps families from learning more, and it is my

mission to cut the curve, bring hope, and lock arms with families who believe their quirky kid CAN do better!

The Role of a Coach

I have a playbook that I didn’t write.

It took me nearly 18 years of study to pull it together, and 10 years to practice what I learned.

In the last 6 years, this study intensified when I had to practice it on my

own two children who were blessed with some quirks.

I know very well what it is to be the player, the scared parent, and the coach.

The Optimize curriculum is made up of sourced information and a plethora of options for parents

to be exposed to. Parents can tackle their kid’s quirks with the support of materials I have created to introduce

these concepts and strategies. Some resources are nerdy brain science stuff and others might be lists of types

of practitioners, supplements, books, or other programs that are known to help with certain issues.

As your coach I am here to empower you with these resources and help you get barriers

out of the way so that you can follow through with what YOU think is best for your family.

The one thing I cannot do is fix your kid…well there are a few others as well. I cannot treat, diagnose,

or even advise any particular course for you because I am not a licensed practitioner.

But I can be your advocate and your kid’s translator so that

you can make educated decisions and crush your goals!

My Educational Background

Certified Brain Health Coach, Amen Clinics and Certified Parent Trainer, Empowered to Connect

Quirky Kids Through the Years

Going Online

There was one of me and a bunch of families calling me for help. Complete burnout forced me to take the plunge to put my services online. My techy husband and I devoted 18 months to building the content and resources that is now the Optimize curriculum. #besthusbandever

My first “students”

My first crop of folks became family to me. They were their kid’s heroes, helping them progress out of their hard quirks, and mine, the ones who lifted Quirky Kids off the ground. You may see many of them around on our private FB page and videos. There is so much strength and encouragement to gain from them!

Where we are now

Covid hit us all and soon after my family experienced a horrible trauma that affected every area of our lives. Having to pull our family up from ground zero caused me to have to experience thought and life changes. My brutal and positive experience in doing this impacted my decision to re-imagine how I will coach in this new season. This year our Village will focus on supporting families in their follow through as they tackle the challenges in their life. If I can make it through what we went through…you’ve got this!

Contact Us

Want to see if my coaching is right for you? Email me!


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